Friday, February 29, 2008

never hungry....

i was walking down the arcade on my way home. and the same stinky smell suddenly filled my nostrils. the dirty kids that beg from people walking on the busy arcade were there again. i don't know what specifically came to me. it has happened too many times before. this nagging feeling inside. the feeling of how I should be grateful to the Great Someone who has kept on providing for all my needs all these years.

when i was younger, i always had this wish inside that one day, i would own a big charity institution....a foundation....the term "philantropist" kept on popping in my mind.....but i am far from being a philanthropist. i don not have millions, or billions to do that....then, something happened. i will start small. i will start today.....and i did....and suddenly, i don't own the charity institution, i don't own it...because it was "them" who owned it....

what happens next?....i'll keep you informed.